2016 is seeing the launch of my third book in the trilogy on the modern customer:
It's not about us
It's all about them
“Wow what a show! Energy, insight, great passion. Martin really got the
audience buzzing and he’s got a fantastic story to tell. I thoroughly enjoyed
Geoff Whyte, Nando’s CEO,
Southern Africa.
Born into retail, I have spent a lifetime studying what it takes to succeed
when it comes to the modern customer. And as an entrepreneur, a marketer, and more
recently author, lecturer and high-end consultant, I have worked with a
host of world-famous names. And from everyone's kind feedback I'm honoured to hear I've 'lit fires' in the minds of customer-facing teams and their leaders - inspiring thousands in conferences, business
schools and master-classes around the world.

Winning the war
I passionately believe my audiences appreciate working with me more when they enjoy the process - indeed an entire section of my new book interrogates the benefits and 'business case' for joy, happiness and fun in the work place."Martin Butler is that rare breed – both an entertainer and educator.”
Jon Bird, The Labstore
"I defy anyone to have seen Martin Butler and not change something
about their approach to business...”
Steve Bradbury,
International VP, Stored Value
From Melbourne to Mumbai, New Zealand to New
York and from keynotes to business schools, I have spoken at events on
every continent - I was absolutely delighted to be personally invited to launch my latest book at The
World Retail Congresses in both Cape Town and Dubai by the Founder and Chairman.
“The audience was spellbound by his presentation and the buzz it
created. Martin really delivered and we were delighted he was able to join us.”
Ian McGarrigle, Founder and Chairman, World Retail Congress.
Winners are obsessed
My new book concludes,
‘With a world turned upside down by
technology, customer obsession is everything’
…and I now spend all my time
researching, writing and sharing my views globally - obsessively looking to
relentlessly understand what it takes to win the war for the ever changing, ever more
powerful, modern customer.
“Martin knows the
store (modern customers) from both-sides-of-the-till!”
Jon Stine, Global Director Retail Sales, Intel CorporationMy world tour continues to Australia and NZ August/September 2016 and do say hello if you're coming to any of my events or please feel free to contact me or my publicity agent Sally Tickner (sallytickner@ntlworld.com) to arrange a chat about anything I could do for your organisation.
All my books are published by Management Books 2000 (www.mb2000.com)
1. People don’t buy what you sell
…(published 2005)
2. The art of being chosen
…(published 2010)
3. and hot-off-the-press,
It’s not about us, it’s all about them …(published 2016)
All my books are available through good book stores and through Amazon globally.
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