Pre-launch copies of my new book: The art of being chosen, have now been sent to all those who helped me along the way. In retailing parlance, it's rather like a 'soft' launch and designed to shake out any final gremlins and typos etc before the official launch at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October.
But it has made me reflect on two fabulous books I drew inspiration from and I urge you to read these after you've read mine. The first is a few years old but still highly relevent, it's from Dan & Chip Heath: Made to Stick and the second is from Larry Hochman: The Relationship Revolution. I was fortunate enough to be invited to the launch of Larry's book in London's prestigious, Institute of Directors - a wonderful occaision where he was surrounded by many of those who'd help him shape his thoughts.
Two wonderfully inspiring and insightful business books - both really easy to read and both packed full of actionable advice.
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